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80 who speak for the 20

I was rewatching one of the episodes one of my favorite TV shows the West Wing recently. This was about the re-election campaign of President Bartlett. A senator who was thinking of running as a third party candidate reminded the president how important it is for the 80 of the population's need to speak for the 20 percent who are not being heard. 

A great demographic shift is coming  to this country in 2040 and the fear of that reality is driving a major party to the right-wing fringes of the political spectrum. 

This happened in California  and the Republican party is now an ineffective fringe influencer but has little power. The recent petition recall of Newsom is one of the ways the Republicans  are trying to continue to be relevant without representing the majority of the voters..

Nationwide,  a similar trend is playing out. 

The 20 percent must be heard, but should not overturn the will of the majority. 


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