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Writing Advice

Writing Advice

There are great books of writing advice on the market. Stephen King's comes to mind for overall helpfulness. Congrats Steve.

Lajos Egre and his The Art of Dramatic Writing is great.

As is Christopher Vogler's The Writer's Journey.

But for me, the best is still Aristotle's Poetics and The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell.

For the screenwriter, Robert McKee is very helpful and so is William Goldman just because he's so readable.

All of these books were very helpful to me and several were used by me in classes I taught at MTSU and Watkins Film school. 

The best advice I can give is to read everything in your genre that sells or piques your interest. 

And lately, write as much as you can. Write the books you want to read in the genre you enjoy and keep going. Write for yourself first and don't worry about publishing. Enter contests when you have a finished work you feel good about and have a couple in the drawer that works when someone comes knocking. 


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