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Part Two of One Way to Write Your Story

When planning a story, think of what form the story might take. The format can be a short story, novel, screenplay, play, graphic novel, poem, song, but remember, the way it's told is not as important as what you're trying to say. For example, you may start a story as a play and realize it would be better told as a screenplay, etc. There are expectations in all of these formats, and deciding before you start can save time. I think it's good to start with one kind of format before you begin.

Now, it's time to produce characters to explore the theme of your story.

I like to use Star Wars as an example of how a theme helps create characters. You can, of course, do this the other way round. The essay here is called one way, not the only way.

To me, the theme of Star Wars is "Is good stronger than evil?"

We've all read novels, short stories, seen movies, and television shows where this question is asked. Most times, good proves stronger, but on occasion, evil wins. 

Stories that work give the audience one of two confirming ideas in the end. One that's just the way the world is. And two, this is the way the world should be. Of course, sometimes there's a bit of both, but in Star Wars, good eventually overcomes evil.


Getting to the answer involves characters who are an amalgamation of traits that are entirely diametrically opposed in viewpoint.

Darth Vader began his life as a charmed orphan with a genetic advantage over others who had the makings of a great leader. Still, a flaw in one of those character traits turned him into a ruthless killer. And what was that flaw, a lack of self-confidence?

Luke Skywalker began as a wannabe pilot from a tiny, insignificant planet with a genetic advantage over others. He becomes an orphan with no evident traits that he would someday be a great leader. However, the actions of the nine movies and the plot of the stories revealed his destiny. And what was that hidden trait; self-confidence?

So, your story begins with characters who are best described and perceived one way, and by the end, they are changed 180 degrees. The plot, a series of scenes, makes that complete reversal happen.


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