The third and final season of this show has an earned happy ending. Sandy achieves his goal of starring in a major motion picture in his 75th year. His best friend and comic genius Alan Atkin got most of the laughs in the first two years and is missed in the final episodes. As a senior who seems to be achieving a life goal, I relate to these characters and highly recommend this show to old and young alike.
Are your dreams trying to tell you something? Dreams are intriguing phenomena that have captivated humans for centuries. Some people believe dreams are messages from our subconscious, revealing our hidden desires, fears, or conflicts. Others think dreams are just random images and sensations our brain produces during sleep. But what does science say about the relationship between dreams and the subconscious mind? And how can we use our dreams to better understand ourselves and our conscious minds? And what can creative writers take away from the idea that our subconscious minds are where we do our best writing? One way to approach this question is to examine the process of dream recall, or how we remember our dreams. Dream recall is not straightforward, as most of us forget our dreams soon after waking up. However, some people can recall their dreams more frequently and vividly than others, and some factors can influence the likelihood of dream recall, such as sleep quality, emotio...